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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The 9 legendary sword

You must know what the sword is, the sword is a weapon of war in the days before there was a firearm. And now it has become a memory, when the sword is already has experience fighting with the heroes of past wars.

This is most like the legend story in a movie, but this is real happens in our lives. There is the nine legendary sword in the world.

  1. Salahuddin Al-Ayubi Sword

    Al Ayyubi or often called Saladin, the Kurdish Muslim general and warrior from Tikrit. This sword is made of Damascus steel is extremely hard but flexible because it has a content of CNT (carbon nanotubes). It is said that this sword is very sharp, so sharp can easily penetrate armor Renald de Chatilon

       Salahudin popular in Christian and Muslim reach because the leadership, military power, the knight
stance and the forgiveness against crusaders. And now the sword is the private collection of Shahhi family in UAE
     2. Zulfikar Sword
         Zulfiqar, the sword of the legendary companions of the Prophet, Ali ibn Abu Talib. It is said, at the Battle of Uhud (625 CE) Prophet Muhammad Zulfiqar sword presented to Ali, son in law, and with the sword and conquer the enemy closest Ali, Amr ibn Abdawud, destroying at once the helmet and shield. Zulfiqar Ali ibn Husayn was then used, the grandson of the Prophet, who died in the Battle of Karbala in Iraq now.
     3. The Sword of Goujian

      This sword is a state treasure and has charisma equal to his Sword Excalibur King Arthur. When found, this sword has approximately 2000 years old, but still very sharp and not corroded. Moreover, there is a rhombic pattern of concentric circles and 11 are located just 0.2 millimeters of the hilt. Goujian sword is one impressive example of early science of metallurgy in China. Even now, his own sword is not easily replicable.

      4. Masamune Honjo Sword

         Honjo Masamune, the sword is a symbol of the Tokugawa Shogunate made ​​by Masamune, the famous sword maker in Japan in the early 14th century. Made by Masamune sword is often compared to artificial Muramasa sword, supposedly a former student. Masamune sword symbolizes peace while Muramasa sword symbolizes the blood thirsty.

     5. Murasama Sword

       Sengo Muramasa (Muramasa Sengo) was a famous swordsmith who founded the Muramasa school and lived during the Muromachi period (16th century) in Japan. Swordsmith Muramasa is a clever but cruel and ill-thought, which is reflected in the blade makes. This sword is believed to be blood thirsty and to encourage their soldiers to commit murder or suicide. When Ieyasu Tokugawa became Shogun, a sword made ​​by Muramasa is no longer popular as it is believed many people killed near Ieyasu. 

   6.  The Wallace Sword

         Sword of Sir William Wallace was held (1270 - 1305), a Scottish patriot and warrior who fought British rule terhadapan. Mentioned that the sword was used in the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297 and the Battle of Falkirk (1298). 132 cm long blade of his sword, while the overall length including handles is 168cm.  
Sword blade width varies, near the handle and 0.75 inches 2:25 at the ends.  Weight of the sword is 2.7kg 
     7. Tippu Sultan Sword

         Sword of Sir William Wallace was held (1270 - 1305), a Scottish patriot and warrior who fought British rule terhadapan. Mentioned that the sword was used in the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297 and the Battle of Falkirk (1298). 132 cm long blade of his sword, while the overall length including handles is 168cm. Sword blade width varies, near the handle and 0.75 inches 2:25 at the ends. Weight of the sword is 2.7 kg

    8.  Very famous sword Excalibur. This legendary sword is a sword belonging to King Arthur. According to legend, the sword has magical powers that give him the right to rule England. In the language of Wales is named Caledfwlch sword. Excalibur's name comes from the ancient French Excalibor, which comes from the Latin Caliburnus. In Arthurian legend, there are two stories about the origin of this sword.  

The first is the legendary "Sword in the Stone", first appeared in the poetry of Robert de Boron Merlin, which can only be pulled Excalibur from the stone by a person entitled to become king, which is Arthur. In the second version, which appeared in the Suite du Merlin, Arthur receives Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake after his first sword broken in battle against King Pellinore.

   9. As in the Naruto story excerpts taken from the legend of the Japanese gods. His full name Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (Grass Cutting Sword). According to legend, the sword is obtained by a god named Susanoo when the fourth tail of a dragon-headed monster and eight tails, Yamato-No-Orochi.
 Then dedicated to the goddess Ameterasu. He said the sword was kept at the Atsuta Shrine, but until now have not done one person outside the temple, except the emperor, who had seen this sword. Similarly, excalibur, no one knows for certain forms of this Kusanagi sword.

 source : http://forum.vivanews.com/image-only/309029-9-pedang-legendaris-di-dunia.html