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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Indonesia Formed History

If we talk about Indonesia, there will 1000 pages in a books. But i think i will discuss for 1 page only.

From what Indonesia is formed?

Indonesia is a country which formerly consisted of 71 small plates and three is a big plates. Indonesia is a strategic country in the end by a mountain path at the start by the Mediterranean and circum-Pasific mountain path. That's why Indonesia has many volcanoes, like Merapi volcano, Krakatau volcano, Kerinci volcano, and many more.

Indonesia not only consist of two mountains path, but also has three of the largest tectonic plate, there is the pacific plate, eurasian plate, and indian-australian plate. These three plates collide and form an area prone to earthquakes, the Sumatra Island is one of the islan meeting place of two major plates, Eurasian and India-Australia. Therefore, the Sumatra island has the highest marks quake alert in Indonesia.

In contrast again with the Japan, Japan including the countries that missed the ring of fire from all the its country part. Ring of fire is the area of a country that is passed by three large slabs always form in a decade, the effect of this formation resulted in an ongoing earthquake everyday. Lucky, Indonesia only get a few area  include of Ring of Fire.

Indonesia also includes countries that have the largest archipelago in the world. Indonesia has 13,872 islands, 5 islands is the biggest. Namely, Sumatra island, Java island, Borneo, Sulawesi, and Papua. Pangea theory shows that Indonesia used to be a division of continent of Eurasian. History of the Ring of Fire also came from the ocean and continental division that carry the characteristics of volcanism, and finally make a Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean from Japan, east-Indonesia, Alaska, Philipine, Los Angeles, and Peru.

From this History of country formed, we knew that Indonesia has many advantages and danger so high. State of Indonesia is also crowded with sea transport,  as a strategic pass from around of the world. From there comes a variety of cultures in Indonesia, virtually hundreds of different cultures from the west to the east of Indonesia.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tentang situs Wikipedia

Disaat mahasiswa membutuhkan referensi untuk tugas kuliah, disaat pelajar membutuhkan sumber-sumber pengetahuan, tak asing lagi kalau kita mendengar yang namanya situs wikipedia. Ya, situs wikipedia bisa kita search di google bar. Wikipedia adalah salah satu situs yang kita percayai isinya yang konkrit. Dimana semua pengetahuan dari internet, bersumber pada wikipedia. Sebenarnya kalian tidak teliti, kenapa?

Wikipedia adalah sebuah situs yang menjadi ensiklopedia dari website yang menyediakan kepada pembaca untuk menambahkan informasi lain yang dia dapat. Pembaca yang mengedit artikel itu bebas mau menulis apa saja pada artikel yang akan dia edit, seperti contohnya mengedit artikel biography Aristoteles. Jika ada salah seorang mempunyai pemikiran buruk, dia bisa membuat artikel mengenai biography Aristoteles menjadi tidak nyambung. Sebenarnya itu bukan salah wikipedia yang menyediakan situs ini, namun kita akan ragu jika ada orang yang tanpa pengetahuan mengedit dengan mengarang/ngasal.

Perhatikan gambar diatas !!

Memang, dulu saya meyakini wikipedia sebagai situs yang saya percayai ketika di bangku SMA. Namun, setelah meneliti lebih dalam tentang apa itu About Wikipedia. Saya sadar, bahwa saya ada di dalam pengetahuan lingkaran api. Dimana, satu paragraf dibuat kongkrit, sedangkan yang lain kita tidak tahu. Seperti contohnya saya pernah mengedit salah satu artikel dari biografi Dave Pike. Disitu saya mengetik tentang bagaimana beliau mengenal lagu pop setelah dia menciptakan album jazz perdananya. Kalian bisa melihat di bagian biografi paragraf ketiga, itu yang mengedit saya.

Masalahnya bisa menjadi sumber pengetahuan yang hitam, tidak kongkrit, dan sesat. Cobalah mencari pengetahuan dari sumber yang kongkrit, pengetahuan itu bisa di dapat di buku-buku yang sudah mendapatkan ijin edar, ahli-ahli yang dipercaya, dan narasumber langsung.

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat :)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The 9 legendary sword

You must know what the sword is, the sword is a weapon of war in the days before there was a firearm. And now it has become a memory, when the sword is already has experience fighting with the heroes of past wars.

This is most like the legend story in a movie, but this is real happens in our lives. There is the nine legendary sword in the world.

  1. Salahuddin Al-Ayubi Sword

    Al Ayyubi or often called Saladin, the Kurdish Muslim general and warrior from Tikrit. This sword is made of Damascus steel is extremely hard but flexible because it has a content of CNT (carbon nanotubes). It is said that this sword is very sharp, so sharp can easily penetrate armor Renald de Chatilon

       Salahudin popular in Christian and Muslim reach because the leadership, military power, the knight
stance and the forgiveness against crusaders. And now the sword is the private collection of Shahhi family in UAE
     2. Zulfikar Sword
         Zulfiqar, the sword of the legendary companions of the Prophet, Ali ibn Abu Talib. It is said, at the Battle of Uhud (625 CE) Prophet Muhammad Zulfiqar sword presented to Ali, son in law, and with the sword and conquer the enemy closest Ali, Amr ibn Abdawud, destroying at once the helmet and shield. Zulfiqar Ali ibn Husayn was then used, the grandson of the Prophet, who died in the Battle of Karbala in Iraq now.
     3. The Sword of Goujian

      This sword is a state treasure and has charisma equal to his Sword Excalibur King Arthur. When found, this sword has approximately 2000 years old, but still very sharp and not corroded. Moreover, there is a rhombic pattern of concentric circles and 11 are located just 0.2 millimeters of the hilt. Goujian sword is one impressive example of early science of metallurgy in China. Even now, his own sword is not easily replicable.

      4. Masamune Honjo Sword

         Honjo Masamune, the sword is a symbol of the Tokugawa Shogunate made ​​by Masamune, the famous sword maker in Japan in the early 14th century. Made by Masamune sword is often compared to artificial Muramasa sword, supposedly a former student. Masamune sword symbolizes peace while Muramasa sword symbolizes the blood thirsty.

     5. Murasama Sword

       Sengo Muramasa (Muramasa Sengo) was a famous swordsmith who founded the Muramasa school and lived during the Muromachi period (16th century) in Japan. Swordsmith Muramasa is a clever but cruel and ill-thought, which is reflected in the blade makes. This sword is believed to be blood thirsty and to encourage their soldiers to commit murder or suicide. When Ieyasu Tokugawa became Shogun, a sword made ​​by Muramasa is no longer popular as it is believed many people killed near Ieyasu. 

   6.  The Wallace Sword

         Sword of Sir William Wallace was held (1270 - 1305), a Scottish patriot and warrior who fought British rule terhadapan. Mentioned that the sword was used in the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297 and the Battle of Falkirk (1298). 132 cm long blade of his sword, while the overall length including handles is 168cm.  
Sword blade width varies, near the handle and 0.75 inches 2:25 at the ends.  Weight of the sword is 2.7kg 
     7. Tippu Sultan Sword

         Sword of Sir William Wallace was held (1270 - 1305), a Scottish patriot and warrior who fought British rule terhadapan. Mentioned that the sword was used in the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297 and the Battle of Falkirk (1298). 132 cm long blade of his sword, while the overall length including handles is 168cm. Sword blade width varies, near the handle and 0.75 inches 2:25 at the ends. Weight of the sword is 2.7 kg

    8.  Very famous sword Excalibur. This legendary sword is a sword belonging to King Arthur. According to legend, the sword has magical powers that give him the right to rule England. In the language of Wales is named Caledfwlch sword. Excalibur's name comes from the ancient French Excalibor, which comes from the Latin Caliburnus. In Arthurian legend, there are two stories about the origin of this sword.  

The first is the legendary "Sword in the Stone", first appeared in the poetry of Robert de Boron Merlin, which can only be pulled Excalibur from the stone by a person entitled to become king, which is Arthur. In the second version, which appeared in the Suite du Merlin, Arthur receives Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake after his first sword broken in battle against King Pellinore.

   9. As in the Naruto story excerpts taken from the legend of the Japanese gods. His full name Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (Grass Cutting Sword). According to legend, the sword is obtained by a god named Susanoo when the fourth tail of a dragon-headed monster and eight tails, Yamato-No-Orochi.
 Then dedicated to the goddess Ameterasu. He said the sword was kept at the Atsuta Shrine, but until now have not done one person outside the temple, except the emperor, who had seen this sword. Similarly, excalibur, no one knows for certain forms of this Kusanagi sword.

 source : http://forum.vivanews.com/image-only/309029-9-pedang-legendaris-di-dunia.html 

Recruitment Band !

Baru-baru ini aku punya ide buat bikin band metalcore di Malang. Ya, nanti gampang kita bahasnya, yang pertama aku cari Gitaris dan Drummer untuk Metalcore. Minimal tau lah kunci-kunci apalagi aliran metalcore, kebanyakan di kunci drop-D. Aku menerima apa adanya, pokoknya serius dah.

Bagi kalian yang ingin gabung di recruitmen awal ini, hubungi aku di twitter @ffaaan atau facebook (ipang_pung@yahoo.com) ! Thanks guys \m/͠( ɛ ͠  ) \m/ \m/͠( ɛ ͠  ) \m/
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Connectify Pro v 3.25+Patch

Connectify is a software that can divide the Internet to other computers or other equipment, such as Blackberry, Android, and iPhone. In contrast to the adhoc generally only share with others the other computer.
Feel free to download for the curious

Download Connectify

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Semarang, Indonesia

Small town became the capital of Central Java province, a place where I was born. Small town with a lot of history in the past. Now, the city grew into a beautiful and fertile. The town is inhabited by around 200,000 inhabitants lives, have great potential really is. Strategic position on the north coast of Java island, making the city of Semarang has grown rapidly.

Has many areas that are not less unique to other cities in Indonesia. Cultured and well-mannered refined Javanese, religious diversity made ​​the city into peace.

The most prestigious icon of the city's "Lawang Sewu". Building where 70 years ago became the center of the Dutch royal government, in Indonesia, which invaded the city of Semarang. History says, the building was used as the office of the railway company at that time. Building that was once visited by Queen of the Netherlands at that time, has 1000 doors in it. This building in the occupied Netherlands during the 10 period and was taken over by the Japanese in 1942. Once held by Japan this building turned into a horrible place, as a shelter against the people against the Japanese. The people who were exiled to the next Sewu Lawang in jail, tortured, beheaded, left to rot to death.

Place a silent witness to the suicide Dutch Queen who supposedly said he jumped from the roof and fell three floors. At first, he fell in love with one of the youth in Semarang, but because of the kingdom being jilted. Finally, he committed suicide.

Many people say this myth about "Lawang Sewu", which he said a lot of ghosts and demons. Confidence people have so much evidence, for example the underground passage in "Lawang Sewu" that used to be a place of torture and the dungeon. Imprisonment in the dungeon is different from the prison in general. Prison is just a 2 meter and enough for the stand, people who left to die in prison by the state and the bound iron stand. How cruel the Japanese at that time.

After a long time this building was abandoned, many of the apparitions that appear in the reality show 'the Other'. Many ghosts haunt and horrible there. If you as a tourist wants to prove, just come straight to Lawang Sewu in Semarang, Central Java.
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Command Line (cmd code)

Many references i get to share this post to you. This is the command line of cmd.exe on windows OS. If you have others list just add on the comment. :)
The List of command line of cmd windows :

ADDUSERS - input/add user to/from CSV file.
ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
ASSOC - file extension associations
ASSOCIAT - One step file association
AT Schedule - Schedule Program command maker (to run in next time)
ATTRIB - change file attribute
BOOTCFG - Edit boot setting windows
BROWSTAT - search domain info, web or PDC
CACLS - change permissionsc file
CALL - call a batch program
CD - to move to the specified folder.
CHANGE - Change terminal server properties
CHKDSK - Check and fix file system
CHKNTFS - Check NTFS on system files
CHOICE - Receive input of keyboard to batch file
CIPHER - Encrypt-Decrypt files/folders
CleanMgr - automatic cleaning Temporary files, recycle bin
CLEARMEM - cleaning memory
CLIP - Copy STDIN to Windows clipboard.
CLS - Clean CMD screen
CLUSTER - Windows Clustering
CMD - open CMD/ command prompt
COLOR - change color of CMD window
COMP - compare subject from 2 file or more
COMPACT - compress file/folder in NTFS partition
COMPRESS - compress private file in NTFS partition
CON2PRT - Connect atau disconnect a Printer
CONVERT - Convert FAT drive to NTFS.
COPY - Copy 1 or more file to certain location
CSVDE - Import/Export Active Directory data
DATE - show/set date
Dcomcnfg - DCOM Configuration Utility
DEFRAG - Defragment hard drive
DEL - execute 1 or more file
DELPROF - execute User Profile NT
DELTREE - delete a folder within subfolder
DevCon - Device Manager Command Line Utility
DIR - show the file/folder list from a drive
DIRUSE - show disk usage
DISKCOMP - compare subject from two floppy disks
DISKCOPY - Copy content from a floppy disk to the other floppy disk
DOSKEY - edit command line,recall commands,dan create macros
DSADD - adding user (computer, group..) in active directory
DSQUERY - Add item to the active directory
DSMOD - Modify user (computer, group..) in active directory
ECHO - show message at monitor
ERASE - delete one or more files
EXIT - exit from CMD window
EXPAND - Uncompress file
EXTRACT - Uncompress CAB files
FC - Compare 2 piece files
FDISK - Disk Format dan partition
FIND - Find a text string in the file
FINDSTR - find strings in the file
FOR /F -Loop command: for many files at once
FOR - Loop command: all options Files, Directory, List
FORFILES - Batch process multiple files
FORMAT - format a disk
FREEDISK - show free disk space (bytes)
FSUTIL - File and Volume utilities
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
FTYPE - Show/change file types used in file extension
GLOBAL -show the member list in the global groups
GOTO - Directing a batch program jump to labelled line
HELP - Online Help
HFNETCHK - Network Security Hotfix Checker
IF - Conditionally perform a command
IPCONFIG - Configure
IPKILL - delete the program from memory
LABEL - change label disk
LOCAL - show member list of local groups
LOGEVENT - write text to NT event viewer.
LOGOFF - log off from system
LOGTIME - record date and time in a file
MAPISEND - send e-mail from command line
MEM - show memory usage
MD - Create new folders
MODE - Configure a system device
MOUNTVOL - set Mount point of volume
MOVE - move a file from a folder to other folder
MOVEUSER - change user from a domain to other domain
MSG - send message
MSIEXEC - Microsoft Windows Installer
MSINFO - Windows NT diagnostics
MSTSC - Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)
MUNGE - find and replace the text in the file
MV - copy file is / temporary use
NET - Manage network resources
Netdom - Domain Manager
Netsh - Configure network protocols
NETSVC - Command-line Service Controller
Nbtstat - Displays networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP / IP)
NETSTAT - Display networking statistics (TCP / IP)
NOW - Display the current Date and Time
NSLOOKUP - Name server lookup
NTBackup - Backup folders
NTRIGHTS - Edit user account rights (which area of ​​access allowed by admin)
PATH - Display or set the search path for executable files
PathPing - Trace route plus network latency and packet loss
PAUSE - Holding down the process a batch file and displays the message
Perms - Display permissions (the access) user
PerfMon - PerformanceMonitor
PING - Test (test) network connection
Popd - Restore previous value of a directory that is save by the pushed
PORTQRY - Displays the status of ports and services
PRINT - Print a text file
PRNCNFG - Display, set, or rename a printer
PRNMNGR - Display, delete, or add to the list of printers; set default printer
PROMPT - Change the command prompt
PsExec - Run the remote process (remote)
PsFile - Indicates file2 is opened from a distance
PsGetSid - Displays the SID of a computer or user
PsInfo - Displays information from a system
PsKill - Stopping the process by process ID
Pslist - Displays detail information of a process
PsLoggedOn - Who's logged on (check locally or via resource sharing)
PsLogList - Event log records
PsPasswd - Change the account password
PsService - View and change services
PsShutdown - Shutdown or reboot the computer
PsSuspend - Suspend / hold process
Pushd - Save / Save and change the current directory
QGREP - Search for the word / phrase within the file in accordance with the pattern / line which is determined.
Rasdial - Manage RAS connections
RASPHONE - Manage RAS connections
RECOVER - Restore / Recover Damaged files from a disk is defective (damaged).
REG - Read, manage, or delete registry keys and values
REGEDIT - Importing / exporting registry settings
REGSVR32 - Register / unregister DLL files or ocx
REGINI - Change Registry Permissions
REM - Record / record comments (remarks) in a batch file
REN - rename file
REPLACE - Replace / Replace or update a file with a file line
RD - Delete folders
Rdisk - Create Recovery Disk
RMTSHARE - Share a folder or printer
ROUTE - Manipulate network routing tables
Runas - Run a program by using another user account.
RUNDLL32 - Run a DLL command (add / remove print connections)
SC - Service Control
Schtasks - Create or Edit Scheduled Tasks
SCLIST - Display NT Services
ScriptIt - Control GUI applications
SET - Display, set, or remove environment variables
SetX - Set environment variables permanently
SHARE - Sign up or edit a file share or print share
SHORTCUT - Create windows shortcut (. LNK file)
SHOWGRPS - Displays a list of NT Workgroups or users who have joined
SHOWMBRS - Displays a list of Users who are members of a Workgroup
SHUTDOWN - Shutdown the computer
SLEEP - Wait for a while
SOON - Schedule (schedule) a command for some time later
SORT - Sort input
START - opens a new window, to run a program or a specific command
SU - Switch User
SUBINACL - Edit file and folder Permissions, Ownership and Domain
SUBST - Adjusting a path with a drive letter
Systeminfo - Displays a list of system configuration
Tasklist - Displays a list of applications and services that are running
TIME - Display or change the time on the system
TIMEOUT - Delay processing of a batch file
TITLE - Specifies the window title for a CMD.EXE session
TOUCH - change timestamps of a file
Tracert - Trace route to a remote host
TREE - Graphical display of folder structure
TYPE - Displays the contents of a text file
USRSTAT - Displays a list of domain usernames and last login
VER - Display version information
VERIFY - Checks whether files have been saved
VOL - Displays the disk label
WHERE - Search and display files in a directory tree
Whoami - Displays the current UserName and domain current
WinDiff - Compare the contents of two or more files.
WINMSD - Windows system diagnostics
WINMSDP - Windows system diagnostics
IIWMIC - WMI Commands
XCACLS - Change file permissions (access rights)
XCOPY - Copy files and foldersI just can share a little lore of cmd :)Thanks to read this :)t