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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Indonesia Formed History

If we talk about Indonesia, there will 1000 pages in a books. But i think i will discuss for 1 page only.

From what Indonesia is formed?

Indonesia is a country which formerly consisted of 71 small plates and three is a big plates. Indonesia is a strategic country in the end by a mountain path at the start by the Mediterranean and circum-Pasific mountain path. That's why Indonesia has many volcanoes, like Merapi volcano, Krakatau volcano, Kerinci volcano, and many more.

Indonesia not only consist of two mountains path, but also has three of the largest tectonic plate, there is the pacific plate, eurasian plate, and indian-australian plate. These three plates collide and form an area prone to earthquakes, the Sumatra Island is one of the islan meeting place of two major plates, Eurasian and India-Australia. Therefore, the Sumatra island has the highest marks quake alert in Indonesia.

In contrast again with the Japan, Japan including the countries that missed the ring of fire from all the its country part. Ring of fire is the area of a country that is passed by three large slabs always form in a decade, the effect of this formation resulted in an ongoing earthquake everyday. Lucky, Indonesia only get a few area  include of Ring of Fire.

Indonesia also includes countries that have the largest archipelago in the world. Indonesia has 13,872 islands, 5 islands is the biggest. Namely, Sumatra island, Java island, Borneo, Sulawesi, and Papua. Pangea theory shows that Indonesia used to be a division of continent of Eurasian. History of the Ring of Fire also came from the ocean and continental division that carry the characteristics of volcanism, and finally make a Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean from Japan, east-Indonesia, Alaska, Philipine, Los Angeles, and Peru.

From this History of country formed, we knew that Indonesia has many advantages and danger so high. State of Indonesia is also crowded with sea transport,  as a strategic pass from around of the world. From there comes a variety of cultures in Indonesia, virtually hundreds of different cultures from the west to the east of Indonesia.