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Friday, February 17, 2012

My Last Holiday

It begin when first semester holiday is coming. I started to go to Bandung, West Java. Start in Malang at 15.30 PM and arrive at 08.00 AM. At the first plan, i had to find an inn at first, but i found Sucianti, the girl beside my seat when i going to the Bandung. She is really kind as far as i know, Bandung is better town i know than Semarang (my hometown).

After that, she is leave me at the station, because she had to back home (Bandung). And i continued my journey, I just backpacker boy. I only brought a little money, but i still continued to walk away from the station to the center of the town. My first purpose to the Bandung totally to met the best tatto artistic. His name Kent, his home nearby Soekarno-Hatta pass-by street.Just little story i made, but great experience i got. After i met Kent, i try to make a tatto in my body. It was good art, and i appreciated that. After i made a tatto by Kent, i search motel for a night.

Then, i found a Motel nearby Bandung Station, it was very cheap. After a night over, i back to the Semarang, my hometown. It need 8 hours to arrive at Semarang. I only cost for Rp155.000 to go to Semarang by Executive Train. Yes, this is Indonesia, everything use thousand ammount to say.

I have 3 weeks holiday, and i spend more time in Jogja at least day. Encourage to get some money, and go to the Jogjakarta. I love Jogja !!This town make me feel like in a heaven, heaven of shopping. Perhaps, i dont like shopping. Hahahahaha

Then, i stay in Jogja 4 days just to find a lot of fun, avoid the bad feels. Jogja is one of the place that make Economic in Indonesia fertile.

Jogja have a special placed for the people who loved shopping so much, yes there is Malioboro. The place that have many kind of souvenir the typical Jogja and also Indonesia.The stuff that be a symbol of Indonesia is Batik.

Batik is the leather that draw by hand. The motive of batik makes different than general clothes, the motive of Batik more complex, more complicated. You need a patient to make this motive, and usually the old-man in Indonesia that adept to make it. If you wanna try to buy Batik, this place (Maliobor) is the right place.When you are going to Indonesia, don't miss it !The short story of my last holiday.